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Shiroishi White Stone Journal (WSJ)

White Stone Journal 4月号-page-001.jpg
WSJ 10月号<English Version>-page-001.jpg
White Stone Journal 10月号-page-001.jpg
WSJ Nov Issue -English Version--page-001
WSJ -English Version--page-001.jpg
White Stone Journal 11月号-page-001.jpg
White Stone Journal 12月号-page-001.jpg

Shiroishi is a small city in Miyagi, Japan. This is the city that has hosted me during my stay in Japan. The city has an English newspaper journal that the ALTs are required to participate in.  Shiroishi translates to "white stone" in English. Therefore, the name of the English journal is "White Stone Journal" or WSJ for short. 

The WSJ is a great opportunity for ALTs to share their experiences in Japan, and talk about their home countries and cultures. I always thought this was one of the most pleasant experiences in the JET program. Not only was I able to share my experiences with the community I was living in, but it was cathartic to talk about my home and culture when I was so far away.  The journals also serve as a memento to remind me of my stay in Japan.

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